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A 709 Grade 36 Steel Plates
1.A709 steel plate is primarily used in the manufacture of bridges.
2.We stocks A709 steel plate Grade 36, 50 and 50W. These grades are often specified with charpy tests referencing the specific zone, or climatic region, in which the bridge will be in use.
3.Unitedsteel can also be ordered to the AASHTO M270 spec referenced as AASHTO M270 Grade 36, AASHTO M270 Grade 50, AASHTO M270 Grade 50W.AASHTO is the abbreviation for American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
4.High Strength Low Alloy (HSLA) Steel Plate
all measurement in Inches Thickness Width Length
A709 Grade 36 3/16" – 4" 48" – 120" 96" – 480"
Grade 50 3/16" – 4" 48" – 120" 96" – 480"
Grade 50W 3/16" – 4" 48" – 120" 96" – 480"
5. If you have any other requirement for steel plate, please feel free to contact us.