High Quality Steel Plate

EN 10028:3 P460NL2

EN 10028:3 P460NL2


Pressure vessel steel certified to EN 10028:3 P460NL2 is held in stock by UNITEDSTEEL and can be supplied as plates, cut plates, and profiles (cut shapes).


EN 10028:3

The specification EN 10028:3 covers a range of weldable fine grain steels supplied in the normalised condition and intended for pressure purposes. The specification is split in to grades based on minimum yield strength and each grade is further subdivided on the basis of impact testing (transverse) temperature: N and NH indicate impact testing at -20 deg C or above, NL1 at -40 deg C or above, and NL2 at -50 deg C or above.


The designation EN 10028:3 P460NL2 shows that this is steel for pressure purposes (P) with minimum yield strength of 460 MPa (460) which is impact tested in the transverse direction at -50 deg C (NL2).


As well as P460NL2 we are stockists of other EN 10028:3 plates manufactured and certified to:

EN 10028:3 P355NL1    EN 10028:3 P355NL2     EN 10028:3 P355NH

EN 10028:3 P460NH     EN 10028:3 P460NL1     EN 10028:3 P275NH


We also carry stocks of plates certified to EN 10028:2 P265GH


If you have any other requirement for steel plate, please feel free to contact us.


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